Sunday, April 10, 2011

Manny Being Manny

How many homeruns have you hit in your life ?

None... Ok nice. Me either -- but I know someone who has.

His name starts with Manny and ends with Ramirez. He is the most pure and talented right handed hitter in the game of baseball and he has decided to call it a career.

Apparently he was caught doping once again and that's what forced him to call it quits. Honestly, who gives a flying fuck about steroids in sports. We all know football and hockey guys pound that shit out like its 2% milk, so why hate the baseball players. Why even enforce that nonsense?

 Steroids doesn't give you better hand eye baby boy, all it does is give you big muscles and a tiny set of testes.

I personally feel it's bullshit they went after a 38 year old future hall of famer when they should be taking down dudes like Pujols, Fielder, Texiera and many more. Does a bear shit in the woods ? Yes of course. Do ball players shoot roids -- You bet your ass sir.

Barry Bonds approved this message.


I love saying gunt and fupa - so I figure I would post this.

My mom told me the correct term for a fupa or gunt is actually called a panas.

I have a two month plan of ditching mine before my wedding.

Going Old School

I am getting married in a few months and in my opinion the most important part of the wedding - besides getting all my guests cocked -  is the music.

So along with all the good new line music, I feel I should throw in some old school jams to get people jacking there little weenies off.

Myself and C-Moist found a few tonight. Check em' out ked.

Brings a tear to my eye.

Middle school / my first boner . html

Boom goes the dyno bro.

Love those Monkey Bars.

Friends come dime a dozen.

On the Mark 1 - Barstool 0

Go back to the drawing board Jew-Beak.

The Wolverines choked harder than you do on corn on the cob the long way.

Mortal Lock = El Prez crying when he cums in the morning. Fuck you Michigan.

Speaking of Hangovers...

I pissed myself a few times watching this.

Big Z just bringing it here !


Tears of joy and ta-ta's

Powder called - he wants his skin color back

Solid nips

Now It's A Party

This should be interesting.

The Bruins and Canadiens will faceoff in the 1st round of the NHL Playoffs on Tuesday and I am going out on a limb by saying whoever wins this series will win the Lord Stanley.

Both teams are equally matched with the Bruins having the gritty edge. If games come down to speed and skill alone the Bru Cru could be in for a world of hurt. Canadien Forwards Brian Gionta and Scott Gomez provide a dynamic scoring touch for the Habs squad. Special teams will play a key role in this series and if the Bruins can't keep Montreal grounded on the power play  - this could be a one and done for the home team.

I hope Tony Maranaro gets sick and loses his voice next week. I also hope Subban falls and breaks his dick off and can't play for a month or so.

My prediction is Bruins in six. This is going to be a crazy fucking series. To my Montreal family - I love you guys, but this means business. Black and Gold, Truth be told, Young and old, Tough and bold, We wont fold..... Go Bruins.

This year will forever be remembred as when the city of Boston became a hockey town again. Bring back the bling boys !!

Napway Park

Fenway is a fucking joke bro.

Opening day. Red Sox vs Yankees. Bottom of the 1st - Now batting Carl Crawford... Standing ovation right ?? Well one might think, instead he gets four claps and few, "Go Team Go's". It was an absolute embarrassment to the city and the team.

This season is going to be a long one. Again, I stand by my prediction of 102 wins, but the stadium atmosphere sucks man meat bro. The new HD screens are legit and the team on paper is an asbsolute wrecking ball -- the owners and GM have done all they could. It is up to us as fans to go into Fenway and make it a shitshow. Fuck the corporate jerk bags that look at their crackberry the entire game. Let's make the Fens a force to be reckoned with once again.

PS - I want to take a massive leak on J.D. Drews batting gloves.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I'd like to dance with these stars

Couple "baskets" of breast please ?

Say no to drugs - Say yes to jugs.

Worst Day Ever !!

Not gonna lie - This is probably the worst day you could possibly have.

Wife cheats on you then you get one punched on the concrete. Ouchies bro.

If you are impatient and have ADD like myself - Fast Forward to the 2:35 mark. If you are into the whole bitch crying in the car, dudes acting straight gangsta and drama unfolding - then this clip is for you.


(Thanks to Frosty for the clip)

I Wish We Had Guys Like This...

If your not a hockey fan - that's fine... If your not a hockey fan and you watch this video and you still have no interest - you need your pulse checked bro.

For those of you who haven't seen this clip yet it's our own Milan Lucic back a few years ago in junior hockey. Guy absolutely lamb roasts the entire team in one shift.

I hope to hell I see him do this to Subban and the rest of those Habs pantywaists come the 1st round of the NHL Playoffs.

Is This Real Life ?

I know it's early - and I am never one to panic about our local sports teams - but what the fuck is going on with the Red Sox. It's one thing to get swept by the Rangers, but to get pounded for 11 homeruns and look  as disinterested as they did, that's some serious shit bro. Not to mention, the most recent loss to the Cleveland Indians....that's just embarrasing.

Despite the slow start, I stand by my prediction of 102 wins and I will now go on record by saying that the most unlikely of heroes Daisuke Matsuzaka will be the one to break the Sox out of their funk tonight. Look for Adrian Gonzalez to hit his first homerun in a Red Sox uniform and Carl Crawford to contribute with a few hits and a SB.

This has been a tough week to watch for Red Sox fans, but remember the season is 162 games long. Don't jump off the wagon yet - and if you have - there is still plenty of space on the Bruins wagon bro.


Not sure if this is real or fake - but that was pretty intense.

Here's the translation for all the English speaking viewers....

Leather Boy : "That's my green tee-shirt, you stole that from me when you slept over a week ago"

Green Machine : "That's not true Billy, I stole your Batman undies and a pair of socks - that's it !!"

Leather Boy: "Don't walk away. I want my Adidas shirt back or I am going to pound you."

Green Machine: "Sorta like how I pounded your sister when I stayed the night bro"

Leather Boy : "Oh Yeah?"

Green Machine: "Yeah"

That's all she wrote Ladies and Gentlemen. The sound when Green hits the ground sounds like me on a Sunday morning - hungover trying to clean all the beer bottles on my kitchen table.

Hangover - Or Not 2 Hangovers ?

Your call man.

I was cool with just one - but hey, every other movie out there right now blows - so why not ?

Won't top the first one, but should be good for some one-liners and pee dribbling laughs.


Hard Booze at Fenway

The Red Sox have reached an agreement with Mayor Thomas M. Menino and other interest groups to begin selling mixed drinks to fans at Fenway Park, based on testimony before the Boston Licensing Board this morning.
The mayor, police, and community groups expressed support for the Red Sox plan to begin selling mixed drinks at five locations in the ballpark -- after the Red Sox agreed to relocate one stand further away from the bleacher section. (

Wow I guess when you go 0-4 you need to think of a way to keep fans in the seats.

This works for me.

Although the price will likely be out of this world and the amount of booze will be questionable - I still might try it out and just pound cocktails at the next game. Christ, if Dice K is pitching that's good for about 12-13 mixers bro.

"Yeah guy - I'll have two captain and cokes, 2 cape codahs' and a vodka tonic... No ice and make em' strong"

PS- It's horseshit how they shaft the bleachers in the deal. I guess they figure you can still smuggle nips in if your a "Bleacher Creature."