Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is This Real Life ?

I know it's early - and I am never one to panic about our local sports teams - but what the fuck is going on with the Red Sox. It's one thing to get swept by the Rangers, but to get pounded for 11 homeruns and look  as disinterested as they did, that's some serious shit bro. Not to mention, the most recent loss to the Cleveland Indians....that's just embarrasing.

Despite the slow start, I stand by my prediction of 102 wins and I will now go on record by saying that the most unlikely of heroes Daisuke Matsuzaka will be the one to break the Sox out of their funk tonight. Look for Adrian Gonzalez to hit his first homerun in a Red Sox uniform and Carl Crawford to contribute with a few hits and a SB.

This has been a tough week to watch for Red Sox fans, but remember the season is 162 games long. Don't jump off the wagon yet - and if you have - there is still plenty of space on the Bruins wagon bro.

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