Sunday, April 10, 2011

Now It's A Party

This should be interesting.

The Bruins and Canadiens will faceoff in the 1st round of the NHL Playoffs on Tuesday and I am going out on a limb by saying whoever wins this series will win the Lord Stanley.

Both teams are equally matched with the Bruins having the gritty edge. If games come down to speed and skill alone the Bru Cru could be in for a world of hurt. Canadien Forwards Brian Gionta and Scott Gomez provide a dynamic scoring touch for the Habs squad. Special teams will play a key role in this series and if the Bruins can't keep Montreal grounded on the power play  - this could be a one and done for the home team.

I hope Tony Maranaro gets sick and loses his voice next week. I also hope Subban falls and breaks his dick off and can't play for a month or so.

My prediction is Bruins in six. This is going to be a crazy fucking series. To my Montreal family - I love you guys, but this means business. Black and Gold, Truth be told, Young and old, Tough and bold, We wont fold..... Go Bruins.

This year will forever be remembred as when the city of Boston became a hockey town again. Bring back the bling boys !!


  1. fucking stupid ass blog wow

  2. love it! stay on this bandwagon! the other fags above me eat huge cocks.
