Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"On the Mark" Presents: JOSH.O

Breaking News (Kind of): Carmelo and his bitch Chauncey join NYK.

I don't get Basketball. What other sport do they trade expiring contracts, 18 players at a time and household names almost every season ? Sure - Basketball is an entertaining sport don't get me wrong, but the rules are a little blurry to me. Carmelo Anthony has given the sports world blue balls for months after formally requesting a trade from as far back as December. (Spike Lee took care of that though).

Why I won't go any further....Kevin Garnett, (The biggest attraction in Minnesota since the mall) was traded thanks to the NBA's salary matching rules- and the Celts were able to trade pieces of dog meat like (Ryan Gomes, Gerald Green, Theo Ratliff, Sebastia Telfair and a 2009 Draft Pick). Sure the home-team traded Al Jefferson in the deal, but I'm sure he will be at a poker table with Antoine Walker within the next few years. If you haven't figured it out by now I'm a huge homer and a bandwagon basketball fan. Also, if the NBA takes away the insane amount of timeouts so the last 1:30 of a game isn't actually the time it takes me to take a shit and a shower, then I might become more involved.
Good luck to the Knicks and the their city.... Be prepared for Amare' and Melo to give Broadway more random boners than ever. As if  Letterman, Jeter and a bowl of pasta didn't do the trick before.
Go Celtics.

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