Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Every Tuesday "On the Mark" will deliver the boom with their top tunes of the week. The music genre will be all over the map from Hip Hop to Country to Blue Grass to High School Bands. These songs could be brand new or older than Betty White. Hope you all enjoy.

Tuesdays Top Tunes

Mumford and Sons "The Cave", which was performed live at the 2011 Grammy's is a cool little song. Although I never listen to lyrics, it sure sounds like they are telling an important story, who knows though? I like the tempo of the song and they seem like they crush beers too. Good tune.

Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj "Knockout" is an older song that refuse to take off my iTunes playlist. This is the type of jam you turn up full blast and roll your windows down in your car. The only difference, when you get to a red light - you don't roll up your windows and turn it down - you continue to jam to that mo' fo.

PS22 Chorus of Katy Perry's "Firework" gets the nod this week cause it's pretty cool. I feel kind of creepy posting it, but oh well I am comfortable with the decision. These kids can sing. I am actually pretty jealous I didn't get to be in this group in grade school. Those Glee twerps have nothing on the PS22 Chorus. Keep up the good work my nerds.

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