Friday, March 4, 2011

"On the Marks" Cure for the Hangover

So I don't have the cure for the hangover. I think the only thing that works is jamming an iv in your arm and taking in the fluids. Since that is not an option for most of us - here are a few remedies that I use.

Flavor Ice Freeze-Pops

Not only are these babies delicious, they also help the hangover. I tend to stay away from the purple and green ones though - because they taste like piss. Now that I think of it, I am just obsessed with freezepops and the hangover just deals with that fact.

Orange Hi-C from McDonalds

Make sure it's Extra Large - Make sure it's on ice and make sure you grab a few McChickens with it. The Orange Hi-C is a hangovers worst nightmare. Once that fruit drink flushes your system your hangover hides in a corner like a little bitch. Stuff is diesel everyday, but it provides the extra punch when you feel like dog meat.

The Sauna

When it comes to the gym I am the laziest person around. I would rather do the "Shred" on Comcast On Demand then get in my gym shorts and drive five minutes down the street. After a workout there is nothing better than sweating your tits off in a 160 degree hut. It's really relaxing and it's the only thing I like about the gym. If popsicles and water don't do the trick for the hangover - this certainly will. The guy next to you will think you are a homeless person - but who really gives a shit. Nothing like sweating out whiskey and draught beer baby.

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