Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This Isn't Right !

(WWE.COM)  Break out the pickles, slather on the suntan lotion and get ready to pump those fists, WWE Universe: Jersey Shore’s Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi is going to WrestleMania. The reality television icon, New York Times best-selling author and Rolling Stone cover girl will join John Morrison & legendary Diva Trish Stratus to battle Dolph Ziggler & Lay-Cool in an explosive Six-Person Tag Team Match.

I can't believe this. My dream growing up was to one day become a wrestler and now Snooki is fighting at the biggest stage in the sport at WrestleMania. Who knew all I had to do was bang dudes, eat pickles, gain forty pounds and wear cheetah print... I would have done that ten years ago.

To the young viewers out there this is a total smack in the face. Once they see Snooki in the ring they know that their favorite thing to watch is "fake". I don't know what was worse for me, finding out wrestling was fake or when Dan Burrows told me in first grade "Santa is really your parents!" They both stung equally, but this is just proof for the youngins that they might as well be watching Fantasy Land.

Snooki I love you on Jersey Shore, but I hope one of your boobs pops out on national television and you embarass yourself at WrestleMania. Make sure you bring Crocadilly.

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